Terms of sale

Article 1 – Contract

This seasonal rental contract is reserved for the exclusive use of rental and accommodation in the Gîtes located at 25 impasse des chardonnerets, l’abbaye-nouvelle, 46300 LEOBARD

Under no circumstances will we be held liable in the event of use of its contracts by third parties or for purposes other than tourism.

Article 2 – Duration of stay

The tenant signing this contract concluded for a fixed period cannot under any circumstances claim any right to remain in the premises at the end of the stay.

Article 3 – Conclusion of the contract

The reservation becomes effective once the tenant has sent the owner a deposit of 30% of the total rental amount and a copy of the signed rental contract.

The rental concluded between the parties to this deed cannot under any circumstances benefit, even partially, third parties, natural or legal persons, except with the written agreement of the owner.

Any violation of this last paragraph would be likely to result in the immediate termination of the rental at the fault of the tenant, the rental proceeds remaining definitively acquired by the owner.

Article 4 – Completion of the file

The name, first name and age of each tenant will be requested before arrival by our services, including those of your children.

The age of children is calculated in relation to their birthday on the start date of the stay. An official document justifying the age of the children may be requested at the start of the stay. Minors unaccompanied by their parents or an adult legal guardian cannot be admitted for obvious security reasons (weather alert, hospitalization, severe bad weather, illness, etc.)

Accepted payment methods:

  • Bank check payable to SAS gîtes l’hermine (French accounts only)
  • Bank transfer
  • Bank card: Mastercard, Eurocard, Visa, American Express
  • Secure online payment on the website

It is imperative to mention the reference of your reservation with your payment

Article 5 – Prices

The prices appearing on our gîte presentation sheets are inclusive of all taxes, excluding tourist taxes (and except excessive consumption). Our prices are calculated on the basis of the VAT rates in force and are therefore subject to change if they change.

If payment of the balance is refused on the day of arrival, the Management reserves the right to cancel your stay. A recovery fee of €80 will be charged.

Article 6 – Taxes and contributions

You will find the amount of the tourist tax and other possible taxes relating to your accommodation in the Prices section (ask the Management)

Article 7 – Reception capacity

The number of people indicated per accommodation in our rates and brochures corresponds to the maximum authorized occupancy taking into account the equipment available. The large gîtes can accommodate up to 7 people. Any additional person who is a third party to this contract will be liable for a daily amount of 15 euros. It cannot be exceeded for security and insurance reasons. The management reserves the right to refuse you access to the accommodation if the number of people exceeds the maximum authorized occupancy. Any modification or termination of the contract will be considered at the initiative of the customer.

Article 8 – Declaration of any event (birthday or other private events)

It is imperative to declare any event (birthdays or others) to us before your arrival, indicating the number of people present and to respect the security and tranquility instructions of the place (reduction in the volume of music from midnight) and to declare this event must be carried out on your own insurance

Article 9 – Change of stay

Any modification of stay requested in terms of dates, location, duration, number of people or family composition must be validated by our services. It may, if necessary, be subject to additional invoicing. In the event of external events beyond our control, we may have to modify or cancel your stay. We will then offer you, depending on availability, an equivalent stay with different dates or accommodation. If this offer does not satisfy you, the entire amount paid will be refunded to you. No other compensation can be claimed.

Article 10 – No withdrawal

For reservations made by mail, telephone or internet, the tenant does not benefit from the withdrawal period, in accordance with article L121-21-8 of the Consumer Code relating in particular to the accommodation services provided. on a date or according to a specific periodicity.

Article 11 – Cancellation by the tenant

Any cancellation must be notified by registered letter to the owner.

Cancellation before arrival at the premises:

The deposit and administrative fees remain with the owner for any stay canceled more than 30 days before arrival. For any stay canceled within 30 days preceding the arrival date, interrupted or not consumed for any reason whatsoever, the entire amount of the reserved stay will be owed or retained by Gîtes l’ermine. No refund is provided in the event of an interruption of your stay. In addition, if the stay is shortened, the rental price remains with the owner.

If the tenant does not appear within 24 hours following the arrival date indicated on the contract, this contract becomes void and the owner may dispose of his gîte. The deposit also remains with the owner who will request payment of the balance of the rental.

Article 12 – Cancellation by the owner

The owner reimburses the tenant in full for the sums paid, as well as compensation at least equal to that which the tenant would have borne if the cancellation had taken place on that date.

Article 13 – Arrival

The tenant must arrive on the specified day and time mentioned in this contract. In the event of late or delayed arrival, the tenant must notify the owner. Keys are handed over in person.

Article 14 – Payment of the balance

The balance of the rental is paid upon entry into the premises.

Article 15 – Inventory

An inventory is drawn up jointly and signed by the tenant and the owner or his representative upon arrival and departure from the gîte. This inventory constitutes the only reference in the event of a dispute concerning the inventory.

The state of cleanliness of the gîte upon the tenant’s arrival must be noted in the inventory. Cleaning of the premises is the responsibility of the tenant during the rental period and before departure. The amount of any cleaning costs is established on the calculation basis mentioned in the description sheet. The tenant can delegate this task to the concierge for the sum of 70 euros.

Article 16 – Security deposit or bond

On the arrival of the tenant, a security deposit of €700 is requested by the owner, the amount of which is indicated on the front of this contract. This security deposit must be made by check payable to Gîtes l’Hermine or in cash. After the contradictory establishment of the exit inventory, this deposit is returned, less the cost of restoring the premises if damage is noted or missing goods or the cleaning fee in the case where the accommodation is not It is not left in a satisfactory state of cleanliness.

In the event of early departure (before the time mentioned in this contract) preventing the establishment of the inventory on the same day of the tenant’s departure, the security deposit is returned by the owner within a period not exceeding not a week.

Article 17 – Use of premises

The tenant must ensure the peaceful nature of the rental and use it in accordance with the purpose of the premises.

Article 18 – Transfer and subletting

The tenant undertakes to occupy the premises personally and cannot under any circumstances sublet, even free of charge, nor transfer his rights to this rental.

Article 19 – Reception of animals

This contract specifies whether or not the tenant can stay in the company of a domestic animal. In the event of non-compliance with this clause, the owner may refuse the stay: no refund will then be made. When booking, the customer is required to indicate the number of pets that will accompany them. Pets cannot move freely in the area and must be kept on a leash. They are not allowed in collective premises (swimming pools)

Article 20 – Insurance

The tenant is responsible for all damages arising from his fault. It is required to be insured by a resort type insurance contract for these different risks.

Article 21 – Valuables

It is recommended not to leave valuable items in accommodation.

Article 22 – “Rental” household (paid option)

Cleaning is your responsibility. Household equipment is provided for this purpose. If you want to avoid the constraints of the last day and leave with peace of mind, a paid cleaning package is offered to you for 70 euros. Preferably book before your stay. Otherwise, if your accommodation is left in an unsatisfactory state of cleanliness and tidyness, we reserve the right to charge you a cleaning fee corresponding to the size of your accommodation.

Article 23 – Complaints and disputes

Any complaint relating to the inventory of fixtures and the condition of the description during a rental must be submitted to both parties by registered mail within 15 days following the stay to the following address: Les gîtes l’ermine , 25 impasse des chardonnerets, the new abbey, 46300 Léobard.

In the event of a technical problem with the leisure equipment (swimming pool, etc.), the gîtes l’ermine will be held responsible and no reimbursement will be made.

In the event of a dispute, only the jurisdiction of the Cahors Court is recognized.

Article 24 – Image rights

You expressly and without compensation accept that Gites l’ermine uses for its promotional purposes the photographic media of you and your children which could be taken during your stay.

Article 25 – WIFI

Wi-Fi is free and secure in certain areas of the estate and certain accommodations. For more information, contact the Management or hostess of the stay

Article 26 – Smoking

Smoking is prohibited inside the cottages.

The desired arrival time is 4 p.m. If you cannot respect this schedule, it is essential to notify the concierge service in advance on 06 83 99 64 52 or at contact.giteslhermine@gmail.com a> to indicate your estimated arrival time.

Before your departure: a guest book is at your disposal in each gite, to collect your comments and impressions. The cottages must be vacated by 10 a.m. on the day of departure. You are asked to leave the area as clean as possible and return the equipment entrusted to the indicated location.

Mr Desailly Pascal
The SAS Les gîtes l’ermine.

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