Privacy policy

The purpose of this privacy policy is to explain in detail how we collect, use, store and share personal data when you use our website.
The data controller is Mr. Pascal DESAILLY


In accordance with the general data protection regulations (GDPR), we inform you that the information collected on the website ‘’ via the forms is subject to processing computerized intended to provide you with a service or so that we can respond to you, in the most appropriate manner, and will never be used for unintended purposes or transmitted to partners without your authorization.
No information personal data other than those requested in this context is not collected without your knowledge.
In addition, the data collected via the processing of personal data on this site are not subject to any transfer outside the territory of the European Union.

The data collected will not be kept for more than 3 years:
– from collection, the last contact or interest shown for prospects,
– from the end of the commercial relationship for customers ,
– from the last connection for registered users

At the end of this period the data will be anonymized, making your identification impossible.
Data related to billing will be kept for 10 years.


In accordance with articles 39 and 40 of this same law, the user of this site or the Customer benefits from the rights of questioning, access, rectification and deletion relating to the data concerning him by using the contact form:< br/>
You have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data simply by using the form located in the contact section of this site.

No system automatic has not been put in place to guarantee that you are indeed the applicant. We may therefore ask you to prove your identity in order to exercise this right.


At each place on the site where we ask for your consent using a check box, proof of consent is kept, this includes the version of the legal notices, the general conditions and the confidentiality policy (respect for life private).
Your IP address is also recorded. You can withdraw your consent at any time by writing to us via the contact form or by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the emails.


We collect personal data when you interact with our website. This data may include:

Identifying information such as your name, address, email address, telephone number.
Login information such as your IP address, geolocation .
Transaction data, such as your purchase history or payment details.
Demographic data, such as age, gender, and preferences.
This information may be collected when you fill out a form, place an order, participate in a survey, browse the site or interact with our services.


We use the personal data collected to provide, improve and personalize our services. This includes personalizing your experience on the site, processing orders, communicating with you, and improving our website and offerings.


We only share your personal data with third parties in the following situations:

When necessary to provide our services (for example, with our payment service providers to process your transactions).
With your explicit consent for specific sharing.
To comply with legal obligations or respond to government requests.
Data security

We take the security of your data very seriously. We use technical, administrative and physical security measures to protect your information against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction.


Due to the global nature of the Internet, your personal data may be transferred to and stored in countries outside the European Union. During these transfers, we ensure that we put in place adequate measures to protect your data in accordance with data protection laws.


This site offers forms for several purposes. Each form specifies for what use and for what duration the data is kept.
Your IP address is recorded in order to preserve proof of consent and allow the competent authorities to intervene if necessary.
Under each form the purpose of data collection is specified.


In the event that you choose either during your registration or subsequently to subscribe to one of our newsletters, we undertake to only send you e-mails within the scope of what you authorize us.
This choice will be made by simply selecting a check box.
You can withdraw your consent at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email.


Internal cookies

This site emits technical cookies solely intended to enable your navigation or connection to member areas. They are in no way used to carry out tracking, or to analyze your behavior.
They are therefore fully compliant and exempt from prior consent. However, you can disable cookies directly in your browser if you want to prevent us from adding these cookies to your computer. Please note, however, that this may make it impossible for you to connect to certain parts of the site.

Third-party cookies

In order to offer you an enriched experience, we use third-party services offered by Google (Maps, Analytics, Youtube), Facebook or other third-party services.
Although we explicitly ask for your prior consent before allowing these services to send their cookies you can decide at any time to no longer authorize them by clicking on “cookies management” at the bottom of the site.


This site uses a cookie system to simply know how often the site is used. We do not link the data to your identity or your IP address. (only the first 3 digits of the IP address are kept, making it impossible to locate or identify you)
However, you can prevent this site from counting you in the statistics Click here to access your tracking preferences


Privacy by design

All the information we request from you is intended for the best possible processing of your requests or to provide you with optimal service. We therefore ask you for the minimum amount of information necessary for processing.


Your data is hosted in our supplier’s data center in Europe (see legal notices). This is committed to strict compliance with the RGPD/GPDR.

Data leak

In the event of a data leak we will send you an email to notify you of the data that may have been obtained.

Contact and CNIL

In the event that you believe that we are not respecting our commitments regarding your private life, you can contact the CNIL
National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties
3 Place de Fontenoy
TSA 80715
75334 PARIS CEDEX 07
Phone: 0033 1 53 73 22 22

Contact Book now